Zodiac [Latvia]. Disco Alliance (1980)

Посмотрите Zodiac [Latvia]. Disco Alliance 1980 где вы увидите Eminent synth music!
You can download this whole album in 128 kbps for free from
Вы можете загрузить весь этот альбом отсюда

Please remember: 128/44 mp3 quality is in no way equal to the original CD Audio 48 Khz is not equal. I offer the files just for information purpose. I always suggest that if you like the 128/44 mp3 version you ought to buy the official original on CD.

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Eminent synth music! You can download this whole album (in 128 kbps/44Khz mp3 format with all tags clear) for free from Вы можете загрузить весь этот альбом отсюда Please remember: 128/44 mp3 quality is in no way equal to the original CD Audio (even 320 kbps/48 Khz is not equal). I offer the files just for information purpose. I always suggest that if you like the 128/44 mp3 version you ought to buy the official original on CD. ) add ) to address

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