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Певец: 3OH!3

Композиция: Dragon Backpack

Длина: 02:08

Просмотрели: 659

Дата: 2014-10-05


Другие песни этого исполнителя 3OH!3
Весь текст:

She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
& She's been eating children like the wolves eat their young.
She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
& She's been eating children like the wolves eat their young.

She's got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She's got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
& She's been eating children like the wolves eat their young.
She can heal you with the tip of her tongue.
& She's been eating children like the wolves eat their young.

She's got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She's got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She's got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

She's got a wolf t-shirt,
A eagle sweatshirt,
A bison handkerchief,
A dragon backpack.

3OH!3 - Dragon Backpack
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