скачать песню я веселый таракан

здесь вы можете послушать и без проблем скачать песню я весёлый таракан я бегу бегу бегу от Саша Сташкевич и также посмотреть клип ПРИКОЛ я весёлый таракан я бегу бегу бегу xD полная версия

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Певец: Саша Сташкевич

Композиция: я весёлый таракан я бегу бегу бегу

Длина: 02:42

Просмотрели: 636

Дата: 2014-09-25


Другие песни этого исполнителя Саша Сташкевич
Весь текст:

What the fuck? Are we playing?
Periodic reverberations of our gaseous medium!
Yes, I like sequences and repetitions...
But where the hell did you come from?
Auditory communication incorporated by...
These danfangled contraptions.
But I hope we aren't talking
About your pointless bitching...
If I had a rocket launcher!
No wait! breathe still! calm down!
This is not what this is about!

Is it capable of being copied, to another individuals memory?
Will they tell it to others?
Is this noise suppose to be a secret?
A secret! ? I want the meaning you asshole!
Real evolutionary, evidentiary backup,
Real evolutionary, evidentiary backup.

Float the thesis.
Provide antitheses.
Reach syntheses.

Float the thesis.
Provide antitheses.
Reach syntheses.

Will they sing it to others?
Create! Cognize! and recognize!

Will they sing it to others?
Create! Cognize! and recognize!

Will they sing it to others?
Create! Cognize! and recognize!

Will they sing it to others?
Create! Cognize! and recognize!

If music was my mistress,
I'd have a reason to sing.
No my darling if music was a women,
You'd just be a fling!
You'd just be a fling!
You'd just be a fling!

ПРИКОЛ я весёлый таракан я бегу бегу бегу xD (полная версия)
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